How low will the opposition to former Pres. Donald Trump go? The answer is obvious now.
Fact: A sniper attempted to assassinate former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Fact: Trump was shot in the ear.
Fact: The Secret Service knew there was a person with a rifle on that roof, and had been informed of same by citizens and a local policeman in the minutes leading up to the shooting, yet they had strict orders to not engage him and to not fire at him unless he fired a shot. The reasoning behind this order from the DOJ is patently obvious to anyone paying attention.
Fact: Within mere minutes the FBI released the shooter’s name, age, and said he was a registered Republican. Just those 3 facts, that all. Nothing more for hours and hours.
Fact: The shooter’s social media was thoroughly ‘scrubbed’ by shooting time it seems. He had no social media presence (yeah, right) but he was featured in a Leftist TV ad.
Fact: He was in the shooting club at school and the other members said he was a laughably horrible shot.
Fact: The coverup was in place before the shooting and after the shooting. The media package was ready to release, everybody knew what to say and they seemed to be well rehearsed.
Fact: The female SS officers looked like scared fish out of water. Sorry gals, but y’all should stick to something you’re actually qualified and competent at. Talk about ineffective and n0n-threatening.
Fact: The American public will possibly never know what really took place, as the FBI is the investigating agency. Yes, the same FBI that said Hunter’s laptop was 100% Russian disinformation and fake (Hint: The laptop was verified by Hunter and the FBI to be authentic and real, two years later). Yep, the same FBI that said Hillary Clinton was innocent of wrongdoing (Hint: She was but Comey let her walk). And yes, the same FBI that said the Steele Dossier (which they themselves assisted in the manufacture of) was 100% authentic and factual (Hint: It wasn’t authentic or factual, not even a smidgen).
Fact: The FBI has become nothing more than the protective and coverup division of the DNC and the Democrats in general. They wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them three times in the face, or rather they would not tell we the people the truth.
Fact: Inflation has been 20% under Biden’s policies in 3 years. (Note Obama had 15% over 8 years)
Fact: Crimes (all crimes overall) are up 75% compared to 2022 according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.
Fact: According to the Biden administration, they’ve encountered just over 7 million crossing our borders illegally, and allowed over 99% of them entry. Independent agencies put the total at approx. 15 million and counting daily which is much more realistic.
Fact: Biden has increased our national debt by over $7 Trillion (with a T), which is about a 25% increase, in just over 3 years. The nation’s interest payments on this borrowed Chinese money is about 200% higher then when Trump was in office.
Fact: American wages, real wages accounting for Bidenflation, are 2.5% below where Trump had us. Under Trump’s admin, real wages rose 10% and then the Wuhan virus was unleashed and it cut it down to a still impressive 7%.
Fact: FourĀ years ago: We did not have the racial animus being foisted upon us now by the media. We did not have transgenderism as an ideology. We did not have child mutilation and gender reassignment surgery as necessary medical procedures.
Fact: The Left calls anyone right of Mao a fascist, deplorable, irredeemable, Nazi, and an existential threat, hater, etc. These are but a few of the derogatory and dangerous names the Left throws around.
Fact: The Left will stop at nothing to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Their failed assassination attempt will surely galvanize his followers and those that were sitting on the fence. We can’t have those on the Left choose who lives and who dies. They can’t even decide on what flavor of ice cream to give China Joe each evening.