We’re used to it. It’s been 20 years now that the Democrat machine and their ever-compliant Socialist media have been parroting the daily talking points issued by the DNC.
Of course, 20 years ago it was mild platitudes and little digs at conservatives/Republicans. Nothing really earth-shattering. The typical Leftist tripe of the time.
And to be fair, the Right does their fair share of name-calling, though it’s basically limited to ‘family friendly’ names, i.e., “Crooked Hillary”, “Sleepy Joe”, etc. They’ve never gone scorched Earth, not even when the Democrats have.
The Left used to call us crazy, fools, jackasses, cowards, blowhards, nuts, etc., and it was considered ‘civil discourse’ of the political times.
They didn’t attack personally (not normally), they didn’t attack family members, they didn’t normally use hatred and vitriol as their platform. They ran on stated policies.
After several decades they realized that Americans had become inured to their insults and name-calling, and were still voting for Republicans. So they decided to step up their game. And they did. BIGLY!
So we became:
- Deplorable
- Irredeemable
- Extortionists
- Hostage-takers
- Terrorists
- Saboteurs
- Anarchists
- Squealing political pigs
- Arsonists
- Murderers
- Bigots
- Douchebags
- Extremists
- Ideologues
- Losers
- Hypocrites
- Shills
- Misogynists
- Gangsters
- Morons
- Whackos
- Clowns
- Pieces of sh*t
- Teabaggers
- Warmongers
- Baby Killers (this is the icing on the cake from the Abortion Party)
- Elitists
- Obstructionists
- Sick F*cks
- A**holes
- Scum
- Punks
- Thugs
- Skinheads
- Lunatics
- Low IQ Individuals
- Racists
- Homophobes
- Despicable
- Sexist
- Weirdos
- Haters
- White Supremacists
- Zealots
- Fascists
- Radicals
- Nazis
- Hitler
Remember. Those names are YOU they are talking about. YOU are garbage. YOU are Hitler. Practically every Democrat in land believes you are unworthy and that illegal criminal aliens are worthy.
The salient question is where do they have left to go when these lines of attack also do not resonate with the people?
Pure unadulterated violence is all they have left to resort to. Violence and lots of it is coming when Donald Trump is reelected to the Presidency, and 100% of it is coming from the Left. They are pre-positioning supplies right now to use in their rioting, arson, looting sprees across the country.
We already know which cities will experience this “mostly peaceful” activity as they allow this type of behavior to go unpunished.