The Palestinians Do Not Want Their Own State – They Just Want To Kill Jews

It’s been a long and difficult road for Jews across Europe and the Middle East since the 1930s.

We won’t even delve into the many problems they faced before then. And the antagonists have always been the ‘peaceful and tolerant’ religion known as Islam.

Islam… Peaceful towards whom and tolerant of what? Don’t waste too much time trying to answer those questions as there are no answers

The general theme of the Muslim horde is that they require statehood, a two-state solution, as they and the Jews claim the same general territory.

They must have their own state, under Islamic control. And they would prefer a world without Jews of course.. That’s all they want.

They have been offered, by the world, their Palestinian nation five times.

In 1937-1938, 1947-1948, 1967, 2000-2001, and 2007. And right on cue, each time they refused their own statehood.

Not only have they continually insisted on being given the land currently occupied by the country of Israel, they’ve often demanded that Jew have no right to sovereignty or self-determination over their own ancestral homeland.

And for this they’ve kept their people in abject poverty and under the control of terrorist organizations for decades. The PLO, Islamic Jihad, The Party of God, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, all just different tumors of the same rotten body of Islam.

The Palestinian leadership has refused to accept any of the reasonable and legal agreements for 90 years that agree to allow a Jewish state and to live in peace with it.

For that, they deserve to be banished to Gaza, at best. It is their own fault.