Not sure how much longer the American people, and Democrats, will accept this as the status quo. The Big Guy can’t even get through a scripted, rehearsed, telepromptered, and printed speech without butchering it. Can’t read simple sentences. Makes up words, policies, and laws. Says things that are total jibberish or are not salient at all to the matter(s) at hand.
Just a selection of a few jewels from our National Embarrassment, President Joe Biden during his first-ever State of the Union Address, March 1, 2022. He skipped the 2021 SOTU and hid in his basement in Delaware eating pudding and wearing double masks.
“There are more corporations incorporated in America than every other state in America combined, and I still won 36 years in a row.”
He spoke about “health progremiums”
“You can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a – a – a- a- a vaccine. The vaccine can stop the spread of these diseases.”
“I know what works – investigating crime prevention, and community policing, cops who walk the beat.”
He finished with “Go git’ ’em” whatever that means.