Kamala Harris, arrogantly walks to the podium and proudly identifies herself as Kamala Harris, a woman whose...
Those Silly Democrats
We’ll try to list them all, but that’s a massive undertaking, as she’s flipped or flopped on...
Fact: A sniper attempted to assassinate former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump. Fact: Trump was...
All administrations have their shortcomings, make mistakes, lie about policy, obfuscate the truth for their own ends,...
Besides most of being injected multiple times, many dying, others (myself included) still coming down with the...
The people who actually did vote for Presidents Obama and Biden are committed Marxists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists,...
I am ROYALLY PISSED! Being a 90% disabled veteran of the Vietnam War, US Veterans are granted...
Hunter Biden. Now here is a piece of work. Yet he is living proof that the apple...
The Federalist recently had an article 30 Questions Likely To Stump The ‘Sharp’ And ‘Vigorous’ Joe Biden...
In 2021 it was 2SLGBTQQIA+ and it’s seemed to have leveled off with only 11 socially identifiable...