We are led to believe by the Biden administration and other assorted American Democrats/Socialists that all of these events are perfectly normal:
- Young athletes, and people in general, dropping dead of heart failure at a rate thousands of percentage points higher than before the plandemic.
- Homeless encampments in the streets of large cities and RV ‘cities’ lined up for miles on the side of major highways.
- The mainstream media generally alluded to the possibility that the Texas driver that plowed his vehicle into a crowd of people killing 8 and injuring another 10 AND the Texas mall shooter that killed 8 and wounded 7 others, could be linked to white extremist groups, terrorist groups, or MAGA Republicans. They knew the identity of the driver, George Alvarez w/22 arrests), and the shooter, Mauricio Garcia, who was kicked out of the US Army and was supposedly a ‘white supremacist’. In reality there were two Hispanic men that for whatever reason went nuclear. This is why the media was over them in a single day, even though both are mass murderers. They weren’t white MAGA dudes. Damn!
- Children being read to, given lap dances by, and being given sexual indoctrination/groomed by men pretending to be women, i.e. transgenders. Note these men pretending to be women don’t want to entertain adults, only little boys and girls. Think about that for a minute.
- “Mis-gendering” someone is an actual crime in some cities. Even though a person may actually look like their birth gender, we are expected to be able to read their minds and know what they are pretending to be (another made up gender, a cat, a one-legged/black Skinhead/Jewish/transvestite opera singer, whatever…), and then to NOT offend them in any way (including untoward vocalizations, “looks”, “glances”, or “glares”), though they are allowed to offend you and call you a racist, a hater, a POS, a homophobe, transphobic, etc. and attack you physically, before they call the police and have you arrested.
- Numerous mass shootings by alleged ‘white supremacists’ have turned out to be people of color, brown/black/tan (pick one), by gay/transgender people that are angry because that’s what they do, or by people with Hispanic/Latino sounding surnames, and it’s all good. If you have the right boxes checked, you literally can (and often do) get away with murder. Just sayin’ it’s not always a MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter, and in fact nobody has committed an act of mass murder is his name.
- On May 8, 2023, the Chief of Border Patrol said that 11,000+ illegal criminal aliens are being allowed into the US each and every day since Jan. 21, 2021 thanks to the current administration’s policies. This number does not include those who have zero interaction with Border Patrol. Those with ‘Dates To Appear’ in immigration court are given dates up to 10 years out. Of course they also receive free cellphones, medical care, internet access, housing, transportation to a city of their choice, education, job training, food, clothing, etc., all the things that America DOESN’T give to their disabled and homeless veterans.
- Supporting millionaire neo-Nazis in Ukraine with hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars is a “moral duty”.
- Communist China, Islamic Iran, Joe’s buddies The Taliban, and Neo-Nazi Ukraine are now our allies and Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, and the UK have become our adversaries.
- Children as young as 2 years old being transitioned and groomed into the transgender lifestyle.
- The highest inflation and worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is really NOT inflation. C’mon Man!!! We’ve always paid $5-$7 a gallon for gas, eggs were always $4 a dozen, and ground beef was always $6 a pound, that is until Biden got into office and lowered the prices for everything. Nothing actually costs more now than it did under Trump, ‘they’ just want you to think that. This is merely the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy continuing the Big Lie that gasoline used to be under $2 a gallon and that food was affordable.
- Magically, hordes of Democrat and Republican Senators and Congresspeople know exactly when to sell stocks before the stocks crash, time and time again! They just get a feeling or something that tells them to sell and now. Possibly something they are imbued with after being elected to Federal office? Too bad the average American citizen doesn’t have this same magical power, isn’t it?
- A certain laptop that was in the FBI’s possession for several years (even though they deny it) was verified as genuine, and still the laptop’s owner has yet to be questioned about their involvement with the crimes documented on this laptop. This person is now hiding out in the WH with his Daddy, mainly because process servers cannot enter the WH grounds for any reason. This person’s Daddy is getting ready to issue a pardon for crimes the Daddy says his child didn’t commit. If your child is “innocent”, why would you need to issue a pardon for them? And through all this, the mainstream media plays the three monkeys, i.e., No See, No Hear, No Speak anything relevant to this laptop.