Once in a generation, or even in several generations does intelligence like this come down the pike. But we are blessed to bear witness to the shining light that is President Joseph Robinette Biden.
Pres. Biden, never one to mince words, again comes across with more of his amazing fiscal wizardry. Supposedly the USA has 10 high-speed rail projects underway across the country, such as the one in California that has spent hundreds of millions already and has yet to lay a mile of rail. But that’s just throwing a few facts out there that Biden isn’t so proud of. His administration has earmarked $8.2 Billion on these 10 projects.
Back to the financial wizardry knows as ‘Bidenomics’. On Friday the President was on his way to the Hollywood fundraiser he holds a few times a year and he decided to stop off in Las Vegas to tout his high-speed rail programs. He was crowing about the great job he’s done for the union worker, etc. etc. And according to the president, the amount that the federal government would spend on these high-speed rail projects is “over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars.”
Now by anyone’s measure, except Biden’s, a ‘billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars” is a lot of cash to be slinging around on 10 little projects. Now if we try to make sense of it all, he just got a little mixed up.
He surely meant $1,001,600,000,000 (One trillion, one billion, six hundred million dollars). Still, that is a lot of pocket change.
And for you Socialists and Democrat economists out there, a quick math lesson:
$1 x $100 = 1 Hundred
10 x 100 = 1 Thousand
100 x 100 = 10 Thousand
100 x 1000 = 100 Thousand
1000 x 1000 – One Million
1000 x 1 Million = 1 Billion
1000 x 1 Billion = 1 Trillion