President Biden has repeatedly used the term “MAGA Extremist” in a negative connotation, i.e., always in relation to a shooting, a terrorist act, a political idea he doesn’t like, an online threat, etc. It is always a “MAGA Extremist” that commits all acts of violence, especially against the chosen ones, People of Color (POC).
But really, what is a “MAGA Extremist”? We’ve gone to great lengths to dive deep into their ideology, and it is disturbing to say the least. Dark ideas, mysterious programs, violent rhetoric, it’s all there and worthy of a dime store novel.
To be honest, the MAGA Extremist wing of America is about as extreme as a political force can get, and not be charge en masse with insurrection.
Believe it or not, a “MAGA Extremist”:
- Thinks a silly piece of paper written 247 years ago, by white men, should remain as the defining document for America.
- Believes that America should be a sovereign nation.
- Wants American borders to be secured.
- Insists that people must migrate here legally, not illegally, as there is an actual process in place.
- Believes that we should not get involved in foreign wars.
- Knows that true ‘democracies’ are countries such as N. Korea, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, where the 51% decide what the other 49% will/will not do.
- Thinks that there are only two (2) genders, i.e., XX/XY / Women/Men, as delineated by science.
- Does not like war. They don’t want a world with perpetual war.
- Doesn’t like tons of Fentanyl being smuggled across America’s borders.
- Insists that women should be the only ones participating in women’s sports.
- Doesn’t believe that men can get pregnant.
- Believes that people should be hired on their merit and experience, not on their skin color, who they sleep with, or what gender they might pretend to be.
- Believes that a ‘baby’ inside the human womb is a human being.
- Knows that America is not a ‘Democracy’, but is a Constitutional Democratic Republic.
- Believes that it is hypocritical to purchase oceanfront property and fly around on private jets, or to own multiple homes if you truly believe in ‘climate change’.
- Believes that the ‘good guys’ should be allowed to have guns.
- Believes that China should not own nearly 1/2 of American farmland.
- Wants more products Made In America.
- Believes in science over feelings and/or ideological needs.
- Believes that the government should not be able to forcibly inject someone with something they don’t want in their body.
- Doesn’t think China should be allowed to buy up thousands of acres of land around our military facilities.
- Believes that individuals should have choices in life. At the supermarket, the job marketplace, the restaurant, the gas station, education, housing, transportation, etc.
- Wants free speech and the ability to voice their opinions/ideas, even at the expense of possibly offending someone or hurting their widdle feewings because they said something “mean”.