Just this past week, Pres. Biden was touting his administration’s policies and how they were responsible for bringing down the price of milk, chicken, eggs, and gas recently. Yes, he actually said that. But the problem is that it’s not true and his own Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen contradicted him.
She said just last week: “I think most Americans know that prices are not likely to fall. It’s not the Fed’s objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were.”
Facts are prices are going up again and it’s not their objective to lower prices. Think about that one.
For the record, in the past month at the local Walmart and Sunoco gas station:
- Milk is up 30 cents a gallon
- Chicken is up over $1 a pound
- Eggs are up 60 cents a dozen
- Gas is up 45 cents a gallon
But according to the President of the US up is actually down. You’re just too stupid to realize it, or you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier, or you’re one of those MAGA extremists.