By Federal law, a President of the US, any President of the US, is allowed to retain documents from his term in office, even some classified documents. That is an irrefutable fact, take it to the bank and deposit it.
That is unless your name happens to Donald J. Trump, aka Orange Man Bad, Lil’ Hitler, Destroyer of Worlds, the Head MAGA Extremist, etc. Then you are subject to special rules, notes, memos, and fake narratives created by the Democrats to keep you from being eligible to run for President in 2024.
So the story, according to the mainstream media, is that Trump had 60+ boxes of stored classified material that he stole while he was President of the United States. By the way, it was in a locked room, inside Trump’s Mar-a-Lago compound, and was guarded 24/7/365 by Secret Service agents. That is secure. Here is another photo besides the one above that show the 60+ boxes that are supposedly loaded with illegally obtained/stolen classified materials.
One has to admit that this is damning evidence of a massive intelligence failure and….. Wait… BREAKING NEWS!!!
President Trump has only been charged for possessing 102 documents that he was legally allowed to possess. 102 pages. 102 sheets of paper with words typed on them. Classified? Yes. Legally taken by Pres. Trump? Yes.
So why is he being charged and persecuted/prosecuted? And why are they continually showing the “60+ boxes” instead of their purported “evidence” which is 102 pages of copy paper?
Just how thick is 102 pages of your basic copy paper, just like the White House uses. Like the National Archives uses. Just like you use.
We’ll save you the trouble. One-half inch. 0.5″. ½”. Pick one. Copy paper is standardized for obvious reasons and a ream of 500 pages is 2.5″ thick. 102 pages is (basically) 20% of 500.
Yet all the photos the FBI released shows dozens and dozens of boxes that obstinately contain thousands of pages of documents. They were released as such to create hysteria and hatred. To foster a narrative and feed it to you day in and day out. It doesn’t take 60+ boxes to store 102 classified documents, secured in a locked room, with Secret Service protection, does it? You be the judge.
Biden’s DOJ seems to believe it’s the worst breach of national security ever in our history as a nation. They’ve even colluded with AG’s in NY, GA and elsewhere to prosecute Trump and keep him in court and portrayed as a Putin stooge and a criminal.
Pure projection, and most decent Americans realize it. Nothing could be further from the truth, but the MSM in America took the Socialist Kool-Aid long ago, and they’ll stand with Biden and company through thick and thin.
Now the TRUTH. President Joseph Robinette Biden has been found to be illegally in possession of over 1,850 boxes of classified documents stored in over a dozen unsecured locations. Yet, the DOJ said he was too feeble minded, forgetful, too old to be held accountable.
Oh and they were all illegal for him to have as they were taken from Biden’s time as a Senator and Vice-President, who do not have the same immunity as a President has.
All of Biden’s were illegal, and he was let off without being charged, and the same administration is still vigorously persecuting/prosecuting President Trump for LEGALLY retaining 102 documents. Not 102 boxes. 102 single pages he is allowed by law to have in his possession.
Two-tiered justice system? ‘Ya think?