History is repeating itself, right before our very eyes.
It didn’t start with gas chambers, ovens or concentration camps.
It started with one part denying God.
One party controlling the media.
One party controlling the narrative.
One party deciding what is truth.
One party indoctrinating the youths in our schools.
One party censoring speech and silencing opposing points of view.
One party dividing citizens into “Us” and “Them groups and calling on their supporters to harass “Them”.
One party deciding who get arrested, charged, and prosecuted and who gets a pass.
One party decides that guns are the problem and must be confiscated in the name of public safety and security.
When this is all in place, and it nearly is, the roundups of ‘them’ begins. It’s just a few, and for somewhat ambivalent reasons.
But over time one party decides that there are deplorables and irredeemable ones in their midst that must be removed, and removed permanently. Of course, all in the name of Public Safety and Security.
They always come for your rifles and shotguns first as it’s virtually impossible to fight tyranny with just handguns.
This is how Democracy works. The 51% can then simply decide to eradicate the undesirable 49%, using ovens or whatever methods they fancy.