The people who actually did vote for Presidents Obama and Biden are committed Marxists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, whatever moniker you wish to tag them with. It means the same thing. They voted for Socialism, which is the soft road to Communism.
And there were certainly not 82 million Marxists that voted, but there are tens of millions of them voting. Granted, many of them are dead, other votes multiple times, while others are illegal criminal aliens, yet vote election after election.
But with mail-in voting, drop boxes on every corner, blank ballots sent to millions of addresses, homes and businesses alike, Biden was installed as President with the promise to, as Obama pledged, to ‘fundamentally transform” America.
The difference was that where Obama soft-soaped us with his oratory skills and doing things behind closed doors, Biden just throws it out there and hires multiple transgenders, gays and wholly unqualified people to run departments, cabinets, etc. etc.
Yet it is coalescing nicely for the Socialist administration.
Obama and Biden promised to radically transform the way that America would deal with a myriad of issues. They proceeded to ‘fundamentally transform” our border, foreign policy, immigration, law enforcement, economy, crime, race relations, energy, education, abortion, gender identity, and schooling. These issues have all come under assault by Socialists in our government.
Add to that 10+ million illegal criminal aliens being integrated into our communities and bringing diseases that were long ago eradicated. Measles, tuberculosis, and many others are infecting our communities for the first time in decades.
But according to our ‘leadership’, everything is better now that it was 4 years ago, much better, like way way better.
Listen and Obey.