Of course, most Floridians can recall Hurricane Matthew (2006) which devastated portions of Florida. And in 2006 (for the entire year!) the Florida Governorship was held by Jeb Bush, younger brother of a former US President and son of a former US President. You’d think that would be a noteworthy distinction.
Not if you’re MSNBC and you hate all things conservative.
MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson was speaking with Charlie Crist (D-FL), a current gubernatorial candidate running against Ron DeSantis. She introduced Charlie Crist, who served as governor 2007-2011, as the being the Governor of Florida during Hurricane Matthew, again which was before Crist was governor.
For you Democrat, Socialist, Liberal, Progressive, BLM and Antifa members reading this, 2006 comes a full year before 2007, or to put it another way, 2007 is the year after 2006. Wrap your minds around that one, if you can. Either way, Crist WAS NOT the Florida Governor in 2006, no matter how many times MSNBC says he was.
Ms. Jackson proceeded to introduce Crist as the Governor during and after Hurricane Matthew, which of course would have made him an expert on hurricanes and climate change. And not so surprisingly, he made no effort to correct her, which would have been the right and honorable thing to do.
No. Crist stood there, grinned like a fool and soaked in the accolades, before lashing out at DeSantis and conservatives while blaming man-made climate change in the US for the intensity and size of Hurricane Ian, even though Ian originated offshore in Venezuela. Also, many of our east coast hurricanes originally develop of the western coast of Africa. That just facts/truth.
Partial rantings from Crist; “The massive size of this storm Ian is incredible. The one factor in this is Climate Change. These storms are getting bigger, they are getting stronger, and they are affected many more lives as a result of it. It is remarkable what we are witnessing. And as we get through this, hopefully, we have an opportunity to make sure that we do things that we can address going forward to try to reduce the size of these massive storms that Florida has suffered from so brutally.”
Just a hundred years ago there was no viable way to measure the strength of a hurricane or tornado, so to blather on about how storms now are ‘unprecedented’ or ‘never before in history’ are out and out lies. They are factually incorrect statements meant to instill fear into the low information voter. And they do work on some groups.
You can say anything you want about anything but that just doesn’t make it so. The USA has had Cat 1, 2, 3, 4, and Cat 5 hurricanes throughout our recorded weather history, and for billions of years before that. But now all hurricanes are the fault of Trump, DeSantis, or the good old USA? Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is the Leftists leading reason why there are hurricanes, rainstorms, tornados, floods, lightning, high winds, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. That is just plain silliness.
Don’t be a Socialist tool.