For the sake of clarity, we are NOT a ‘news’ site. Yes, most of our articles are factual, most that aren’t are based on actual events. We use humor of all sorts, satire, and hyperbole extensively. We will post some memes or articles that snowflakes will find offensive, and if you found these last few words offensive, then YOU are a snowflake and have been legally warned.
What we don’t do is lie like the Mainstream Legacy Media does. You know who we’re speaking of. THEM! They call themselves fair and balanced or whatever, but they are beholden to their masters.
NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo describe themselves as politically moderate, and a few even admit they may ‘lean’ Left on occasion. They call their listeners “liberals”.
Let’s call them what they are. They are not “liberals”. They are not “Democrats”. They are not “Leftists”. They are Socialists. Many are Communists. It’s time to take the gloves off and play by their rules for this next election cycle.
My father was a liberal Democrat that voted for JFK. President Kennedy was a liberal Democrat and the first Catholic President, which for some reason was a big thing back then. At least Kennedy’s policies were supposedly America First, supposedly a strong national defense, supposedly a strong and secure border, supposedly basic law and order for American citizens. He at the least pretended to love America and was a PT Boat captain in WWII. He did not openly hate America and was not ashamed of it as some people are. Not going to mention names. (O’Biden)
Today’s Democrats have gone so far down the toilet, that they don’t identify with any of those policies. He was the last Democrat that didn’t openly espouse “collectivism”. Ever since Kennedy, it’s been a downhill slide to Socialism and a Third World country status for the Democrat party. Today’s Democrats fight for the illegals invading our country while calling tens of millions of American citizens domestic terrorists. They actually created an FBI Task Force to identify, arrest, and prosecute parents for the Federal crime of caring about how their children were educated.
The Socialists in America own and operate over 95% of the media outlets in the US, including print, radio, internet, TV, cable, and satellite programming. Conservatives, on the other hand, being the nice, and stupid, dolts that they have turned out to be, have allowed the Left to gain control of all major outlets and sources that disseminate news to the public.
The Left always has a “shiny object” that they point at, whether it be Trump, DeSantis, climate change, abortion, etc., to deflect attention from the real issues of the day. Little issues such as rampant inflation, border insecurity as evidenced by nearly 2 million people in only 10 months of this year illegally entering the US, rapidly rising crime rates, fake hate crimes, BLM/Antifa, COVID misinformation and lies from Der Fuhrer Fauci and Dear Leader Biden, the evident cognitive dysfunction of our President, a lying and deceitful presidential press secretary, a media that is owned by the Left, are ignored in favor of bashing Trump.
Trump, Jan. 6th, Orange Man Bad, insurrection, Trump, DeSantis the Devil, white supremacy, Trump are in the news day in, day out, 24/7/365. And it’s not even near campaign time yet. It’s really going to get wild then if the Left is this unhinged now, over 3 years early.
The Shiny Object
Our Lie Rating System:
We are going to rate the lies of the Left by the following rating system.
– Lie of Ignorance/Omission – Stalin/USSR (60,000,000+ deaths)
To be identified by the USSR/Russian Communist Hammer/Sickle
– Lie by Manipulating Facts/Numbers (Cherry Picking) – Mao/China (68,000,000+ deaths)
To be identified by the Chinese Communist Star
– Out and Out Lying/Manufacturing “Facts” – Hitler/Nazi Germany (80,000,000+ deaths)
To Be Identified by the German Nazi Swastika
We are using these symbols for two reasons.
- For the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists in the USA: To honor and glorify your best mass murderers. The most evil men that the world has ever experienced. These are the men whose policies are idolized today by the Democrats in America, and these are the ideologies that are indoctrinated into our youth. Castro, Pol Pot, Chavez, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh… All are idolized by the Left for the power they garnered, no matter what method they used to achieve it. Violence is necessary if you don’t bend to the Left’s will.
- To remind people of the evil and death that liberals, democrats, progressives, socialists, and communists have wrought upon the world. Over 200,000,000 (200 MILLION) human beings are dead in the name of collectivism and the state.