CNN just can’t do anything right these days. C’mon man! After the Cuomo scandal, the pedophile scandal, then ANOTHER pedophile scandal, then a sex scandal, you’d think they’d wonder why they have so few viewers. But they don’t.
Even when they don’t do much at all, and they only have a few hundred thousand viewers nationwide at any given time, and they haven’t done a relevant story in years, they can still count on ‘personalities’ such as Brian Stelter to open mouth, insert foot.
CNN peddled fake manufactured new and ran cover for Obama and Biden. CNN also had racist haters that made careers out of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA and Trump-bashing 24/7/365. (Note: their viewership has dropped literally 75% since Trump left office)
Back to Mr. Potato Head. Stelter spent years pushing the PeePee Dossier and the fake narrative that Trump was a Russian stooge on his CNN Prime Time show. He also pushed the narrative that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”, and did so repeatedly, for months before the election. When approached this past week to ask if he’d like to revise his previous statements as the government has determined with certainty that Hunter Biden’s laptop and the contents therein are in fact verified as being genuine. Yet, you maintain this past week that they most certainly are Russian disinformation and this is all “fake news”. Well, fake news is something Stelter would know something about isn’t it?
But the video tells the truth.
We believe he did say that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”, as spoken in the English language.
He can say he didn’t say it, but watch the video again, just to be sure.