“Putin is totally reckless and uses weapons that aren’t allowed by the Geneva Connect– Convention.”
“Putin, who uh… [her arms flapping in the wind] threatens chemical weapon use… um… nuclear and other chemical weapons.”
“They know we cannot, but they ask.”
“No … no, no. He was less on the, the ask for the, um [long pause] this morning. But there’s also a school that believes that the anti-aircraft [pause right arm going nuts] missiles are an important part of the policy.
“Do you not hate it when Putin and other thugs get less for their requests instead of more for us to do?”
“When I see that, it’s me. [What is going on with her right arm flailing about?] These tanks are at 40 miles of tanks. [a long pause]. I would like to eliminate those tanks. I think they might have more planes. However, I am not a strategist or military [mumble]”
“We hope we’ll be able, I ask you how, to reach a place [pause] where the MiGs can fly to Ukraine. If we have enough F-16s, they can fill in for Poland. ”
She was obviously impaired by alcohol or drugs or a severe mental condition.