It’s all 44’s fault. Ask Jussie. He’ll be glad to spell it out for you, in nice big liberal letters and terms. Trump’s rhetoric drove 2 racist MAGA hat wearing White supremacists to hang around downtown Chicago, at 2am on the coldest morning of the year, and they recognized Smollett from some Black TV series he was on and immediately attacked him.
Yeah, right, sure, whatever Jussie.
Though Smollett was convicted of lying to police and sentenced to 150 days in jail and was ordered to pay restitution of more than $120,000 and a $25,000 fine, plus he will be on felony probation for 30 months, he was released from the Cook County Jail less than a week into his 150 day sentence, awaiting appeal.
Jussie maintains his innocence and that 2 White guys attacked him.
But if you ask the Osundario brothers, who just told their version of events in their own Fox Nation special, “Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax”, Jussie is a liar and a racist fraud.
Two Nigerian brothers, and acquaintances of Smollett, Abimbola (Abel) Osundairo and Olabinjo (Ola) Osundairo soon came forward to say they were the white MAGA thugs that “attacked Jussie Smollett”. Being natives of Nigerian, they of course are Black men, not white supremacists ala Jussie’s description. The Nigerian brothers testified to the police and in court that they were paid by Smollett stage a fake hate crime with him (Smollett) being the victim, plus there is the small fact of the cancelled check that Jussie paid them with. I mean c’mon, you can’t make this stuff up!
The story fell apart almost immediately upon the start of the police investigation. The facts just didn’t add up, including why would he be going to Subway’s at 2:30am on the coldest night of the year, and then AFTER being verbally assaulted, beaten and having a noose tied around his neck, he calmly grabbed his sandwich, went straight home and ate it before calling the police.
In 2021, Smollett was convicted of five felony counts, aka Smollett’s master plan. The actor was sentenced to 150 days behind bars, but was released while his legal team appeals his conviction.
The Osundairo brothers told Fox Nation for Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax they saw Smollett as a “fraudster” when he denied the existence of a hoax to the press. “I thought [Smollett] was a good actor, but I also thought this guy’s a fraud. This guy is really just sitting here, just lying to these people. Lying through his teeth, and not caring. I think he shed a tear,” Abel said.
The brothers said Smollett never explicitly said what his motivation was, but Ola theorized he wanted to be a “poster boy for activism.” Abel added, “He wanted to be the hero for gay people, for black people.”
They staged the entire attack according to Jussie’s plan, including hurling racial slurs, screaming “this is MAGA country” (they’re in Chicago, Obama country), and gave him a “noogie” on his cheek so that he had an appearance of having been beaten.
But even the Chicago police, and especially the Black ones, knew what a beating victim acted and looked like when someone had actually been attacked, and Jussie Smollett wasn’t it,
Yet Smollett swore to the media that it was the truth, and Chicago prosecutor Kim Fox, with some friendly urging from a White House resident, had the police launch a massive multi-month hate crime investigation.
A RACE hoax investigation that Prosecutor Kim Fox kept the dogs gnawing the bone that had no meat on it, until finally a police higher up came out and said there was no evidence showing Smollett was attacked by 2 White men, and they new who the perpetrator was. Hmmm, they had no evidence it was MAGA White supremacists.
Zero, কোন, 无一, Hикакой, ingen, aucune, keine, ไม่ได้, ninguna, なし, hіхто, nessuno, 아무도, none. Not even a smidgen.
But they had iron clad evidence, including video and 2 witnesses, that it was Smollett that bought material and paid people to stage the attack.
So what does Jussie do while out on bond awaiting appeal?
He records a song refuting all the evidence against him declaring his innocence.
Dude, your career is down the toity, it’s gone forever lost in the world of fake hate crimes. But you won’t be alone. There’s Tawana Brawley, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Duke Lacrosse hoaxtress, Bubba Wallace, the Oakland Mayor, Treyvon Martin, and we could list literally 500 more actual names/incidents from just the past 6 years. All fake. All made up, 99% by minorities purporting to be White or to have been assaulted/attacked by Whites.
When it sounds like a face hate crime, and it smells like a fake hate crime, and the Democratic prosecutor/police/judges want to hang a White person, any White person out to dry, 99% chance it’s a Fake Hate Crime.