Feel free to take our FREE test that will tell you immediately whether you are a bonafide Hitler loving Nazi fascist, and without charge or asking for your email or anything else.
The test is below. Just answer the 10 questions honestly, score it, and you will know if you are a fascist or not immediately!
Start the “Am I A Fascist” test below. All answers are Yes or No.
1 Do you love your children?
2. Do you want your children to have the best education possible?
3. Do you want your children to learn history, math, sciences, reading, writing, how to question the universe and everything else in front of them?
4. Do you want your children to be accepting of all people, regardless of race, education, income, intellect, political spectrum, and gender?
5. Do you feel that you should have a voice about the education and curriculum your child is receiving via parent/teacher conference, PTA meetings, etc?
6. Do you think that 10-year old boys or girls should be performing as drag queens for adult males and accepting tips from them?
7. Do you think that pornographic material should not be stocked in school libraries?
8. Do you think it’s wrong to teach young children how to put a condom on a cucumber, how to perform proper oral sex, and exactly what anal sex is?
9. Do you think that taking young children to drag queen shows should banned?
10. Do you believe that drag queens are interested in children sexually and not just wanting to read books to them to educate them, and then dance around half-naked for them for fun while having kids stuff dollar bills into their underwear and bras?
Now it’s time to score the test!
If you answered Yes to 1-2 questions, then you are a fascist trainee and there is still a sliver of hope for you!
If you answered Yes to 3-4 questions, you are qualified to be a Brown Shirt and you should just off yourself tonight for the sake of humanity.
If you answered Yes to 5-7 question, you are qualified to be in the SS, and you should report to your local police station for your punishment first thing tomorrow morning.
If you answered Yes to 8-10 questions, you are a certified Nazi fascist, and you should immediately turn yourself in to the nearest FBI office for Federal prosecution.
(Results according to the White House, Democrat Party, DNC, FBI, DOJ, NSA, DIA, CIA, BLM, Antifa, and rest of the Socialist alphabet cartels)