A Canadian woman comes out as an ‘ecosexual’, proclaiming her undying love for an oak tree. An actual live oak tree. It is much bigger and older than she is.
A British woman comes out as an ‘abrosexual’, proclaiming her gender(s) is/are fluid at any given moment in time. It/they is/are constantly morphing and changing.
Gay/trans groups in America are chanting “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children”, and they mean it literally. Transgenders are mainly men that proclaim to be women and often dress like garish caricatures of prostitutes, and they want to “read” to children and to entertain children exclusively.
But back to the entire LGBTQQIAAP2S+ crowd.
Let’s speak to science, facts, truth, and reality. Now you might not know that…
You’re right! Sex is not assigned at birth. It is established at conception and recognized at birth.
Gender is not an arbitrary designation subject to change. There are these little things called chromosomes, XX and XY to be exact that designate gender identity.
The proper treatment for this disorder is psychotherapy and is highly recommended for all of you LGBTQQIAAP2S+ and the new arrivals in your groups, the ecosexuals and abrosexuals.
Welcome to America!