![Republic vs Democracy](https://theshinyobject.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Republic-vs-Democracy.jpg)
FACT: The word “Democracy” does not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. We are a Republic according to the Constitution.
The Left has declared former President Donald Trump a threat to ‘democracy’ and they want him jailed or preferably assassinated. They can’t deny this is their goal. A few weeks ago the infamous hater and Never-Trumper Rick Wilson declared about President Trump, “They’re still gonna have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump”, meaning if they can’t beat him any other way, something must be done, but the intent is clear. They’re instructing and hoping that one of their unhinged Socialist, BLM/Antifa, etc. soldiers will do what they say must be done.
Just this past week the once humorous but now a Socialist tool, Jimmy Kimmel, make several references of a dead Trump, “Sometimes I wonder, once Trump is dead and gone…”, “Let me tell you something — if those three judges he appointed to the Supreme Court take this case and rule against him, he is going to blow a whale-sized windmill out of his ass. I mean, it might actually kill him.” They are just attempting to normalize the rhetoric so when one of their people does the deed, it’s no big deal as it was expected.
Yet the entirety of the Left says that MAGA extremists are a threat to ‘democracy. The Leftist politicians, the mainstream news which is 90% Left leaning, the Leftist pundits, all of them. They’ve declared war on Donald Trump and his followers.
The left says that Republicans are a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting Hamas is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting Ukraine is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting transgenders is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting a globalist climate agenda is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting unrestricted abortion is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left says that not supporting any of their pet projects is a threat to ‘democracy’. The Left keeps repeating this word over and over for a reason.
To attempt to convince you, to indoctrinate you, into believing that America is a Democracy. But there is only one problem with this Leftist narrative. America is not a Democracy. We never have been and hopefully we never will be. Our form of government is enshrined in our Constitution for all to read, if you dare do so.
Just for reference and for the record Cuba is a Democracy. As are Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Laos, Vietnam, India, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Albania, Somalia, Ukraine, Yemen, Libya, Syria and many others. And for the record, America is not among them.
In a pure democracy, 51% of the people can literally vote to commit genocide on the 49% that voted against their candidate, and it would be legal. In America the majority doesn’t always get their way which is exactly why the Founding Fathers established a Federal Democratic Republic form of government in the US Constitution.
That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy in that the people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
Recommended reading is George Orwell’s “1984”. The Democrats seem to using “1984” as a guide and Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radical” as a playbook, and we are starting to live it in real life, thank you Pres. Obama and Pres. Biden.
Again, the word “Democracy” does not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. We are a Republic.