Last evening at a local restaurant (starts with a C, ends with an ‘s) there was a group of Blacks, well dressed (much more so than I was) and seemed to be well spoken. A bit boisterous and loud, but nothing to write home about.
It only took a few minutes, not even eavesdropping, to discern that they were Cuban (my wife being Hispanic translated what I didn’t understand) and recently relocated to the US.
Yet they were going on and on about the Cuban revolution and particularly of Che Guevara, the infamous rapist, sadist, murder, and terrorist. Oddly, this group seemed to be blissfully unaware of exactly who and what Che Guevara was. They thought of him as a politician, a statesman, a freedom fighter, a philosopher. A man of the people.
I wasn’t about to burst their bubble if that’s that they believed, and the fact there were 5 of them weighing an average of 200+ and 30 years of age, and me being 70+ and 180# I thought silence was in order.
But that is not real Ernesto “Che” Guevara. He was a murderous rapist. He was a sadistic terrorist that had a hundred ways to inflict pain and slowly torture you to death.
Let’s get back to the story. This group of Blacks loving on Che Guevara, the “Man of the Hour”, the savior of Cuba was surprising given that Guevara was a rabid racist and he hated Blacks, the entire race.
He thought they were stupid, immoral, and born to criminal activity. “The black is lazy and indolent. He spends his wage on frivolity and drink” – Ernesto “Che’ Guevara.
Yet this group went on and on about how he was the champion of Blacks in Cuba, when the truth is that Che personally, being a failed physician, killed and ordered to be killed tens of thousands of Cubans, Black and otherwise.
He enjoyed torturing his victims watching them writhe and scream in pain. His insatiable appetite for torture and killing even sickened many of those in the Communist movement that was fighting to take over Cuba, which ended up with his banishment to Bolivia, where he was hunted and executed like the scum that he was.
I can only imagine that this group of otherwise seemingly educated people will be voting for their other Savior in November, Joe Biden. He as racist as they come, so you ain’t Black if’n you don’t vote for Joe Biden.