The Man (He does identify as a man)
The Myth (His entire persona is a myth)
The Liar (He’s an inveterate liar)
The year is 2004, and this story has been repeated (by Tim Walz) dozens and dozens of times. It details why he got involved in politics, according to Tim Walz that is.
He repeats this same story from 2004 to 2020, over and over and over. It IS Tim Walz, until it isn’t.
The story goes…
He was the “coach” on a Minnesota high school football team, after being a “command sergeant major” in the Army.
He took couple of students to a Bush campaign rally and said he was detained by the Secret Service and given a “KGB-style interrogation” because one of his students supposedly had a John Kerry Sticker on his wallet.
Walz, being threatened with arrest by the Secret Service said he then chastised the Secret Service detail and asking them “if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who’d just returned from fighting the war on terrorism?”
Well, when all was said and done, he was released by the Secret Service and ended up not being arrested (because a student of his had a Kerry sticker on his wallet).
There are several questions to ask about this scenario.
How did the SS come to see the Kerry sticker on a student’s wallet (in 2004 no ID was required to most events)?
Why was having a Kerry sticker on a wallet a crime or of concern to the SS?
Why was Walz “interrogated KGB-style” when it was one of the students that had the sticker on a wallet, not Walz?
Did the SS threaten Walz or the students in any fashion?
Were any of the SS agents involved disciplined for their actions?
Were any of the SS agents from 2004 involved in the Trump assassination attempt?
The answers are:
- They didn’t see anything
- It wasn’t illegal
- He wasn’t actually interrogated
- No they weren’t threatened
- Nobody was disciplined
- There was no crossover in personnel between the two “incidents”
How is that possible you ask?
Because it’s a fabrication. A lie. A whopper. A tall tale. Or as we like to say now, a “Walz”.
Walz pack a lot of lies in a few short sentences.
First off, it was a protest outside of a Bush event and Walz was there supporting John Kerry and was carrying a sign purporting to be a veteran of the Afghanistan War. He was never questioned, ID’d, looked at sideways, harassed, detained, or arrested.
Walz was never a ‘football coach’. He was an assistant coach on a small H.S. football team for a season, and they have many assistant coaches.
He hadn’t returned from ‘fighting a war’. He returned from being stationed in Italy.
He was only temporarily a ‘Command Sergeant Major’, as he never finished the requirements of the posting. He was a Sergeant Major, which is a very high position of trust for an enlisted man.
To the detriment of the media, they’ve stepped in time and again over the years to say he ‘misspoke’. But once is misspeaking. Misspeaking twice is suspect. Three times or means you are lying and are a liar.
Especially repeating the same story verbatim, same lies, for 16 years. Maybe he just forgot the truth?