It is you, the average American citizen that is the dire enemy of the political class.
There are two political parties in name only. The call themselves Democrats and Republicans, but in essence 90% of them are Socialists.
They publicly profess to have vastly different agendas for America, but in practicality, they only have one. Socialism and complete subjugation of the American citizen to the whim of the elitists running our government, i.e. Hunter and company.
They eat together, sleep together, drink together, attend the same functions, travel around the world together, yet we’re led to believe they have different mindsets? Privately, they have conspired against us in every way.
They can, and have committed murder, inside traded, given billions to friends, and what do they do for us? They are/were never held accountable for their criminal actions even though their crimes are factual and well known. They have many methods to exert control over us. Taxes. Regulations. Fines. Enacting laws by the thousands per year. Fees. Rules.
But all for THEE, not for the politician. They even grant themselves raises whenever they wish, which they did earlier this year under the guise of an “office budget” increase of 21%. TWENTY-ONE PERCENT!
This is one reason they don’t like Trump. He’s not one of them. He’s a savvy businessman that knows how to properly run a multi-billion-dollar entity. He is not the swamp, though admittedly he promised to “drain the swamp” and didn’t do a damn thing about it in 4 years.