Mexico to the South. Canada to the North. Both are enemies of the United States, by their...
Those Silly Democrats
Eight Important Facts – NOT Opinions – That Totally Debunk the Human-Caused Global Warming Hypothesis Reprinted from...
Interpretations for the Liberal Impaired: Nazi: “naht-zee” Noun/Adjective. Anything that requires effort, respect, or responsibility to achieve...
Kamala Harris, more well known for her sexual escapades that made her a rising star in California...
LGBTQQIAAP2S+. This is how the pervert community now describes themselves. They are the darlings of the Left...
List of President Joe Biden’s ‘accomplishments’ (courtesy of Rational Db8): 🔺 24 months of consecutive pay cuts for all...
Working on Item #1 of things that Brandon can’t trip over, fall down, fall up, or fall...
So Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has long had a death wish for President Trump, has...
Feel free to take our FREE test that will tell you immediately whether you are a bonafide...
Truth and lies. We know which of these the current administration worships as they’ve been a total...