A lie is a lie. And we will call them as we see them, without rose-colored glasses. Left, Middle, or Right. It doesn’t matter. Facts matter. Repeat: FACTS MATTER.
There are so many lies in politics these days that it’s impossible to keep up with all of them without a staff of dozens. So we’ll just stick to the most important lies about the issues that most concern Americans. It may seem that we are picking on one party more than the other. But if you are intellectually honest, one side lies as a matter of course. Every election, the other party is full of granny killers, baby haters, racists, homophobes, transphobes, anti-jobs, anti-blah blah blah… And of course, none of that is true, but they use it successfully every four years as it makes an impact with the low information voters that only listen to NPR/CNN/MSNBC.
We are going to rate the lies of the Left by the following rating system.
– Lies of Ignorance/Omission/Cherry Picking Facts – Stalin/USSR (60,000,000+ deaths)
To be identified by the USSR/Russian Communist Hammer/Sickle
– Lies by Manipulating Facts/Numbers/Omission – Mao/China (68,000,000+ deaths)
To be identified by the Chinese Communist Star
– Out and Out Lying/Manufacturing “Facts” – Hitler/Nazi Germany (80,000,000+ deaths)
To Be Identified by the German Nazi Swastika
We are using these symbols for two reasons.
- For the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists in the USA: To honor and glorify your best mass murderers. The most evil men that the world has ever experienced. These are the men whose policies are idolized today by the Democrats in America, and these are the ideologies that are indoctrinated into our youth. Castro, Pol Pot, Chavez, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh… All are idolized by the Left for the power they garnered, no matter what method they used to achieve it. Violence is necessary if you don’t bend to the Left’s will.
- To remind the rest of us, mainly decent people, of the evil and death that liberals, democrats, progressives, socialists, and communists have wrought upon the world with their progressive policies, which must be pushed back against at all costs. Their policies killed over 200,000,000 (200 MILLION) human beings in the name of collectivism and the state since 1917. Do we want to be a part of the Great American Pogrom? It’s our choice, and ours alone.