Dr. Fauci, January 21, 2020: “This (Wuhan virus) is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now”.
A question for Dr. Fauci… Is NOW the time to be worried?
You enabled this virus among other atrocities against animals and people.
You have paid for with NIH (American taxpayer money):
Experiments with live puppies, having them eaten alive by parasitic insects.
Experiments with grafting aborted baby body parts onto mice to grow hair and organs.
Experiments with the human race by enabling the Chinese to develop and weaponize the Wuhan virus (aka Covid-19).
Of course, Dr. Fauci says he has enabled none of the above. He’s maligned and innocent. They’re lies by the conservative establishment. It’s all been “debunked”. Nothing to see here.
But there is a huge problem. While he was the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) he funded all of those, and who knows what else. We may never know as Fauci is proving himself to be an inveterate liar without a shred of decency or integrity.
There are emails and a paper trail showing payments made from the NIH that directly contradict what Dr. Fauci is saying. Evidence says he did experiment with live puppies allowing them to be eaten alive by insects. Evidence says he did fund experiments grafting aborted baby parts to mice. Evidence says he did pay the Chinese to develop “gain of function” research.
Note: Gain of function is the innocuous way of saying “weaponizing a virus”.
So is the real scientific world lying or is Fauci lying? Is Dr. Fauci a God, a Devil, or is he just one extremely nasty and dangerous human being?
Can we all agree that this so-call Doctor Fauci be arrested and prosecuted for his crimes against animals and against humanity? No, we can’t.
- One side says he is a savior of all humanity. They cannot fawn enough over this person that changes his stance on the Wuhan, China virus every couple of days. It’s wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear 2 masks, wear one, wear outdoors, don’t wear outdoors, stay 6 ft. away from other with your mask on, stay 12 ft. away from other with 2 masks on, etc. It never stops with the Socialists.
- The other side says Fauci is a liar. He’s been lying since day one about the Wuhan, China virus (Fact). Fauci is the one that gave money to a Chinese virology laboratory to enable them to weaponize a bat virus (Fact). Fauci is the Frankenstein that gave money to experiment with grafting aborted baby body parts to mice to grow hair and organs (Fact).
What is apparent is that this man is a monster and needs to be stopped immediately. But according to the regime, he’s still the “main man” of a cognitive deficient President. Even though Fauci has essentially killed millions worldwide, he’s still loved by the Democrats. Of course, they also loved Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro. Chavez, and other despots/dictators, so there is no accounting for taste.
So, Fauci has been shown repeatedly to lie, obfuscate, and to falsify numbers and facts when asked about his deeds and/or misdeeds.
Verdict? MONSTER.
Lie Rating –