Biden brags for years that Putin doesn’t want to see him as President as he’ll be the one to step on his toes and shut him down. He bragged that Putin was “afraid” of him. He told us that Putin knew how much of a “tough guy” he is so he wouldn’t try anything under his watch. Ever. Wrong. Wrong. And wrong.
In fact, Putin was waiting for the “tough guy” to make it into office. He’s already got an “in” as he’s already bought and paid for Hunter, which is nothing unusual as the Chinese and Ukrainians own Hunter also.
Putin orders Biden on Day One to shut down the Keystone Pipeline project, which Biden dutifully did, thereby opening up America to Russian oil sales, which they desperately needed. What could be better than being 100% energy independent? Nothing except possibly being dependent on the Russian Communists, which is what Biden has done to us. Gas was $1.71 on election day 2020 and is $3.79 today. Of course, the Biden administration is calling this a 30% increase in fuel pricing when any idiot can see that it is a 120% increase.
They really do think that you, the American people, are stupid, stupid, stupid. Remember, these are the same people that told us that $3,500,000,000,000 ($3.5 Trillion) equaled nothing. Doesn’t cost a penny. It’s free money. Naturally, only Democrats are stupid enough to actually believe that, and they did/do, though the bill didn’t pass thanks to Sinema and Manchin, and no thanks to McConnell.
So now there is war in Europe, all because of a weak, feckless, clueless, ineffective, mentally challenged, lying President Biden. And what is next as Biden fiddles while Europe burns? The Chinese will undoubtedly be invading Taiwan forthwith, as they now know there is no price to pay for invading sovereign countries.
Biden the fool loses again. You know, we sort of liked winning under Trump. Prices were low. No supply chain problems. Good economy. Secure southern border. No war in Europe. That’s the good old days.
So what exactly has President Biden and his fellow Comrades been doing for the past 13 months?
- They have transformed our immigration system and laws into what would be a running joke if it weren’t so dangerous. In his first year in office over 2,000,000 (2 million) people illegally crashed America from 160 countries. No security screening, no ID, no Covid status, no passport, no health screenings. He gives them free plane tickets, free housing, free food, free education, free medical care, free everything, and the American taxpayer is paying for all of it. Example: We paid $370 MILLION in just airfare in 2021 flying these illegals to the cities they wanted to live in.
- By opening the borders, he has all but given up on stopping the flow of drugs. He is allowing fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine to pour across the border by the pound. Opioids kill more people than auto accidents and heart attacks combined. This is a direct result of allowing the Mexican drug/human smuggling cartels to control our southern border, which they do.
- Afghanistan. What a foreign policy debacle that was! He surrendered, unconditionally, to the Taliban and ISIS. He left behind over $84 BILLION in U.S. military hardware, including tanks, APCs, warplanes, helicopters, rockets, tens of thousands of small arms, etc. He also left hundreds of Americans stranded, who are now either dead or on the run trying to escape. But he did bring in tens of thousands of unvetted Afghan men between the ages of 18-40 without a hitch. He also turned them all loose into American cities.
- Defund the police. If he said once, he said it a thousand times. Police are racist, evil, haters of people of color. They’re roaming the streets assassinating random black men for the crime of being black. He labeled BLM and Antifa as honorable and decent. He allows thieves to steal, as long as they don’t steal too much at one time. He allows them to loot and commit arson at will. His administration is against incarceration for anyone for any crime. They are all misunderstood and underserved members of the community.
- The economy. It was humming along on all eight cylinders. We were energy independent for the first time in history, and he shut it down to appease Russia. We had a perfectly working supply chain, and he destroyed it in the name of Covid. He raised taxes after promising to lower taxes. Not a single thing is less expensive today than it was a year ago thanks to the Socialist policies he’s been implementing, and inflation is increasing at the fastest rate in over 40 years.
- Biden declared white men, parents of school children, and people who have not been vaccinated “domestic enemies”. Then there are the insurrectionists, as Biden likes to call them. Hundreds of Americans are being treated more severely than the murderous terrorists (with American blood on their hands) incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. There aren’t very many of them left anyway as Obama and Biden have allowed a majority of them to rejoin their comrades on the battlefield to kill more Americans.
Biden can’t remember which is his wife and which is his sister. He doesn’t know how many grandchildren he has. He doesn’t know where he’s at. He forgets where he just was. He has no idea where he is going. He can’t read a teleprompter without lying about something. He stops in the middle of a speech or interview and just shuffles off mumbling. Then he’ll regale us with tales of his heroism in combat, or how he was arrested while trying to visit Mandela, or how he was in Selma marching alongside MLK.
Don’t believe a word of anything this guy says. He’s a pathological lying maniac whose son is on the Chinese, Ukrainian, and possibly Russian payrolls. He used to get his “Big Guy” 10%, but as POTUS, we must assume his cut has gone to 20-25%.
$31 Million. That’s the amount of money that Biden and his family made off of their illegal business ventures in CHINA in 2021. The business ventures that Joe Biden promised us would be shut down on Day One of his administration. They’re still going strong, now more than ever.