NOTE: After being lambasted for “lying and posting fake news”, I searched and found the Biden White House tweet:
C’mon man! For once Biden/The White House has done something only blithering idiots would do. They took credit, unknowingly, for the current high inflation rate of 9.7%. (Those are the government numbers the fake news people use rather than the real numbers).
First Biden’s White House (remember, he is really the President of the USA):
- “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” Official White House Tweet, Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022
They are touting the fact that senior citizens are getting the highest Cost Of Living adjustment, which is directly tied to the past year’s inflation rate. And the past year has seen the highest inflation rate in the past 40 years.
Seriously, that is NOT an accomplishment Mr. Biden. Are you and your paid flunkies in the White House this insipidly stupid? You are admitting that you are responsible for the approx. 10% inflation we’re experiencing and then are bragging about it. And the fact is that the inflation rate is actually much higher according to accountants with integrity. They pulled down the tweet when people flagged it.
A few words would have worked far better in that tweet and would have been honest. Replace the word “through” with:
- Due to
- Because of
- And blame it on
- Is the fault of
And replace the last word, “leadership”, with:
- Failure of leadership
- Ineptitude
- Anti-American energy policies
- Highest inflation in 25 Years
Any of the above would have sufficed and been factually correct.
Let us remind you of what former President Obama said of Biden (who was actively campaigning) while speaking to Politico: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Nuff’ said as it’s coming from someone that knows how to f*** things up royally.
This has become prophetic as from Biden’s first day in office he went to work pro-actively to destroy the American economy, to open the borders for illegals aliens and fentanyl to pour in, to shut down our domestic energy production, to tax us to death, to allow criminals to roam free and by demonizing all Conservatives as extremist domestic terrorists.
He’s denigrated the Supreme Court, the American citizenry, the U.K., Germany, Japan, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, all former allies of the US. But no longer.
He’s embraced Ukraine, China, Iran and sometimes Russia, as they are where Biden and Son earned millions upon millions for his access while Vice President. The crack and prostitute addicted Hunter Biden did a $1.5 BILLION dollar deal with a Chinese concern about 10 days after father and son went to China on Air Force 2. According to Biden/WH it had nothing to do with their joint trip to China. Just a coincidence.
Yeah, right, sure, whatever.