A Stacey Abrams wannabe preaches that the only to get respect from White people is to “treat them like shit…” Krystle Matthews, a Black Democrat Senate candidate from the state of South Carolina has a long and proud racist history of denigrating all White people.
She is loud and proud of the fact that she hates White people for the crime of being born White, yet the good people in South Carolina seem to embrace her vitriol and hate, as they voted her into office even though she has fomented racism for years.
It seems that she was sitting in a restaurant speaking with a member of Project Veritas and stated that she represents a “mostly white’ district, where she said “I keep them right here – under my thumb… Otherwise, they get out of control – like kids.”
She continued with her racist diatribe, “You ought to know who you’re dealing with. You’ve got to treat them like shit – that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”
We must admit that she is correct to a degree. There are many liberals and progressives that believe all White Americans must pay for the travesty of slavery by bowing down to Blacks, releasing Black murderers from prison, no required bail for Black felons awaiting trial, and by becoming second-class citizens voluntarily.
But clearly most Americans have nothing to do with slavery, and their ancestors did not either. Most Americans are descendants of immigrants that came AFTER the Civil War, when slavery ended in America Slavery continues unabated to this day in Africa, China, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and numerous other countries.
So, Matthews is riding the racist hate train to the last station it seems. Even her fellow Democrats are requesting that she resign, but her hubris greatly outweighs her mighty frame.