Again, according to Presidential Press Secretary Jen Psaki, inflation is a good thing. It’s a beneficial byproduct of having such a vibrant economy with low unemployment. So if having to pay more for products and services really is a good thing, then why don’t we make gasoline $100 a gallon, a loaf of bread $99, a pound of bacon $750, and across the board all houses are $10 million each? Wouldn’t that be the cat’s meow?
If 20-30% inflation is a good thing, then higher inflation would be relative, right? It’d be way back better! The Democrats/Socialists can’t have it both ways. It’s either beneficial to society as a whole or it isn’t. Yet being the intransigent people that they are, Democrats have, again, wielded a false narrative on inflation and they’re going to stick with it.
It was an odd week as Psaki also claimed that inflation hurt poor people the most, which by the way was the only truthful thing she said that day except for Biden’s last name.
So Jen, you are telling America that because inflation is a good thing, then:
It is better to pay $6.98 for a pound of bacon today than it was paying $3.98 a year ago.
It is better to pay $3.49 for a gallon of gas today than it was paying $1.73 a year ago.
It is better to pay $1,500 in auto insurance (to drive 50% less) today than it was paying $1,150 a year ago.
It is better to pay $3.79 for a gallon of milk today than it was paying $2.12 a year ago.
It is better to pay $5.98 for a pound of ground beef than it was paying $3.97 a year ago.
It is better to pay more for electricity, gas, food, medical care, random services, and even the water and trash bills are up substantially from a year ago.
Just believe in the Biden administration. Inflation is transitory. Just because you can’t buy the things you used to because they’re too expensive doesn’t mean they are more expensive. And most certainly just because everything you must buy does cost more doesn’t really mean it costs more. It’s transitory, remember? It means that you, as an ignorant citizen that is too stupid to understand complicated subjects such as supply/demand, supply chain, trucking industry, shipping industry, jobs, and inflation need to believe and trust the Biden administration to tell what you’re feeling and thinking today.
Every morning remember to click your heels 3 times and then repeat ‘Inflation is a good thing’ 3 times and all will be well. You’ll see.