One thing that touches all of us is fuel prices. It touches us in every way. When we drive our car, motorcycle, or truck. When we take public transportation. When we fly. When we take a bus. When an 18-wheeler (like Joe Biden says he used to drive) pulls up to the grocery and/or department store to deliver a truckload of goods. When food is brought to you by delivery drivers. When you heat your home or business. When you buy any food. When you buy medicine.
Everything moves by truck or rather it used to.
All of these things use fuel in one form or another. And the price of everything is partially determined by the price of fuel. This is indisputable. So if gasoline is $1.81 a gallon (Oct. 2020), it was much cheaper to move goods than it is now. A pound of feathers still weighs a pound.
But when fuel is $3.49 a gallon (Oct. 2021), market economics and logic dictate that it will cost more to deliver goods, which is not a good thing. Unless you are a Socialist. Take the President’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, an atypical Socialist.
Her take on gasoline’s rising prices, which is up approx. 50% in only 9 months, is that it’s a “good thing”. Her words. She says that shows that everyone is working at satisfying and good-paying jobs as there is no unemployment. People are spending more money on goods and services and buying more than ever before in history, which has led to supply chain problems. Everyone is driving their cars on vacations and to the shopping malls. Everyone is jetting around the world. It proves that President Biden’s economic policies are working and that everyone is happy with the President.
Also, she has randomly pointed out that Pres. Biden had to dig us out of the deep recession Trump had put us into by spending $1.7 Trillion, by Trump killing the energy sector in the US, by Trump destroying millions of jobs, climate change, and by Trump’s failed border policies.
In other words, Psaki thinks we Americans are so insipidly stupid that we believe that is how “capitalism” works. She thinks we should be not only happy but also grateful to the Biden administration for digging us out from the horrible low gas prices of the Trump era (under $2 a gallon, remember?). Nobody was happy about paying under $2 for a gallon of gas. You all remember the dozens of violent riots in the streets because of the extremely low gas prices, right? We all wanted to pay much more, and now we are!
Remember that Biden has lamented in the past that it’s regrettable that American’s don’t pay $7 or $8 a gallon as people do in Europe and some other developed countries. He’s doing all he can to get us there by canceling all of Trump’s policies which made America 100% energy independent. Now, only 9 months later, we are 70% energy independent and decreasing.
So out of her “commie-splaining” to us and pointing at that higher prices are a good thing, she garners a #1 Lie Rating for blaming them on Trump and climate change. Jen, it isn’t even on Biden’s level of non-intellect to say these types of idiotic things. WTF over?
Lie Rating: