Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was nominated by Joe Biden for the Supreme Court of the US. She evidently intelligent, breathes on her own, can talk, can walk, can think, and knows the law. During her confirmation hearings, she was asked many things as is the norm for these types of proceedings.
But when she was asked a straightforward question, not a “gotcha” or “trick” question, it stumped her. It was one of reality, biology, and science. It was one that most 5-year olds could answer correctly. She was asked to define what a woman is.
What is a woman? That should be a simple question to answer in a variety of ways, which would all be correct in one way or another. But she couldn’t. She said she couldn’t define what a woman is because she isn’t a biologist.
For the record “Female” is a scientific term that refers to the sex of a species that is capable of producing children. The term “woman” refers specifically to human beings, while “female” could refer to any species.
So by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s legal judgment, you couldn’t actually determine if it is raining or not, unless you are a meteorologist.
You also would be blissfully unaware of the worldwide Wuhan virus epidemic that killed millions, unless you are an epidemiologist.
And if you’re not a herpetologist you’d have no idea what fish and reptiles are.
As since you aren’t a zoologist, those things you see moving around on the ground in trees, in water, in the air are ‘animals’ of one type or another. Some are even female!
Wonder no more. Trust Kejanji. It’s not within your purview to know about animals, fish, sickness, or rain. Leave it to the experts, scientific or otherwise, and that’ll set you on the path to knowledge and righteousness. This is Joe Biden’s America.
So how can a woman be raped or abused if she doesn’t know what a woman is? What about the ‘MeToo’ movement that all “women’ are to be believed? How would she know? She’ll have to recuse herself from any case where a persons birth sex is in play as the perp is the same as the victim or some such justification.
What a sad world Brown Jackson lives in. In order to enjoy the simple pleasures of our world, you must be a bonafide, accredited, pedigreed, certified, degreed individual to recognize and enjoy these simple things in life.
She refuses to define “woman”, even though:
a) it’s why she was nominated in first place
b) she has given live birth via her own internal uterus and birth canal to 2 daughters
c) she has a vagina, not a penis
d) her birth certificate and driver’s license identify her sex as female, not male
e) we can only assume that she refers to her daughters as daughters and sisters and not sons and brothers and that she calls her birth mother Mom, Mother, Mommy, Momma, Mama, or something along those lines, rather than call her “Dad”
So she evidently does know what t woman is but is pandering to the lowest element among us, Democrats. They are forcing transgenderism on our children at an unheard-of pace. They have already ‘normalized” homosexuality’ and now trannies are the future of the Democrat party it seems. Biden surely thinks so. He affirmed wholehearted support for transgenders this past week speaking as to how transgender values are American values. Ummm… really Joe? We all should aspire to be a tranny?
Brown Jackson refuses to answer basic questions, and has lied repeatedly about her soft, soft, SOFT sentences for pedophiles. When a 10-year sentence is recommended by a prosecutor and is the guideline in the sentencing manual, she gives out 3- month sentences like candy. Even though they go back to the same pedophilic tendencies immediately, and get caught again, she again forgives them and lets them go with a hand slap and plus no sexual registry tag. I mean, c’mon man, it’s only small children they are raping and molesting.
And when she is confronted with her own record in her own words, it’s crickets. Like a deer in headlights. Doesn’t remember a thing. She of course states she is fair, progressive, open-minded, and works within the boundaries of the law. This is more lies. She’s a liberal judicial activist, always has been, always will be.
She has been unable to “recall” her position on a single case she adjudicated during her tenure as a judge. Nothing to see here. Move along. No wonder the Democrats refused to turn over her complete case files. It would be one damning indictment after another for not seating her on the court.
Yes, she has done good on the bench. Yes, she has done harm from the bench. Yes, she is an ideologue. Yes, she is soft on pedophiles. Yes, she considers herself to be a crusader for Leftist causes. Yes, she is soft on criminals of color. But she is not mainstream American values. She is Chicago style values.