Decades ago Communist Josef Stalin, the Soviet Union’s dictator, lead madman, and murderer of 60 million Russians, stated that it didn’t matter who voted. It didn’t matter how they voted. It didn’t matter when they voted. It didn’t matter where they voted. It didn’t matter why they voted. It didn’t matter who they voted for.
All that mattered he infamously stated very honestly was “who counted the votes”. That determines the winner, not the electorate.
Fast forward to America in 2022, and we have our own Communist Josef Stalin, a good little Socialist named Joseph Biden, who appears to be channeling the Communist Leader.
In reality, it actually didn’t matter if they voted in the USSR, much as it didn’t in America in 2020.
But what our good little Socialist leader told us is frightening, and very telling. Now we know how the last election played out. President Brandon himself says so:
“It’s not just whether or not people get to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote. Count the vote. Count the vote. That’s what this is about.” – Joe Biden, January 13, 2022.