The first year is over. We have survived, though we are much poorer, we pay more for everything, we are not as happy, we have no borders, we are much less safe, and the Wuhan virus is as rampant as it’s ever been. Think about it, after having 2 vaccinations, a booster, and then contracting the China virus, sometimes multiple times, we’re still wearing face diapers, and they’re trying to sell us on more vaccines and boosters.
Yet the current resident of the White House touted these as epic failures as epic achievements that only he, the Lord God Emperor Big Guy Biden could impart upon the American people and the world.
You don’t want to dive in the deep end of this swimming pool. He’s living in some dystopian alternate universe where he’s in total control and everything is golden. You are not supposed to remember that he spent 101 of his first 365 days in office at his home in Delaware, vegetating, eating pudding and ice cream, and not teaching his dogs to not bite people.
And we could bore you with the usual list of his lies, failed domestic policies, rising crime rate, rampant inflation, open borders, Afghan debacle, foreign policy failures, etc. but we won’t bother you with minutia and reality.
The honeymoon is finally over though. Even with the normal far Left-wing press coverage from CNN, MSNBC, and others, they are now asking honest questions of Biden and his people. Some in the mainstream media have actually had the temerity, the audacity, the downright rudeness to question some of his policies, decision-making, and statements. Well, they can ask.
And they ask. And they ask. All they get in return are either anger or bewilderment from the Big Guy or the sarcasm and snarkiness of Jen Psaki, his head liar. No answers to salient questions. Just platitudes, lies, deflections. They still are managing to blame nearly everything on the Trump administration or on Trump directly. They are going to ride that horse until it’s dead.
So the people are unhappy, including Conservatives, Democrats, and Independents, Blacks and Whites, Latinos and Asians. And a year later the media woke up one morning and realized there was something amiss in America. There was no joy in Bidenville. The people were not dancing in the street and eating ice cream, as they can’t afford the ice cream any longer.
When it gets to a certain level of discord and the street artists begin to put up your poster(s), you’re done. These four posters were first noticed Saturday night in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. They were only up for a short time as the good Socialists of D.C. only allow art denigrating Conservatives and a woman tore the posters down.
We do have photos of the posters though…