Just when you thought our President couldn’t sink any lower than he already has, and we’re not talking about his popularity, which is floating in the toilet, he doubles down on his pandering to the miscreants and cretins among us.
FREE CRACK PIPES. That’s the new program he has Health and Human Services working on. The guy that said we’d give free abortions to the women of the world now is promising $30 million for FREE CRACK PIPES for crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin addicts. Just let me say that that is a lot of crack pipes! Even at $5 a pipe that is 6 MILLION crack pipes.
HHS guidelines are that applicants for the grants are prioritized to treat a majority of ‘underserved communities,’ including African Americans and ‘LGBTQ+ persons,’ as established under President Joe Biden’s executive order on ‘advancing racial equity.
HHS calls this crack pipe (which is what it is) a “Substance Abuse Safe Smoking Kit”. Easier to say “pass the pipe dude”.
He already gives junkies free needles and free shooting galleries to shoot up in a relaxed atmosphere where the junkies and prostitutes feel warm, fuzzy, and safe. But let’s step it up a notch. Now he wants to give black communities free crack pipes. His reasoning is that with their new HHS Hunter & Big Guy Approved Crack Pipes, people won’t share pipes so they won’t share transmittable diseases, or steal a car antenna to make a pipe, or cut themselves on a used/broken pipe, and they’ll prefer to smoke the drugs in their new FREE Hunter crack pipe rather than injecting the heroin or crack.
This is pandering on a low, low level, even for a Biden, as most of these addicts don’t care about voting at all. They care about drugs. Ask Hunter Biden. He’s a crack addict.
So what’s next? Free crack and meth? Free fentanyl and heroin? That’s the next “logical” step for this administration.