Ahh the good ole’ days, when things were simpler, roads less congested, the borders were secure, healthcare was affordable, food was plentiful and cheap, and gas was under $1 a gallon.
Oh, and questioning election results was a staple of the Democrat diet, since time immemorial, and it still is. They questioned, and still do, every single election won by a Conservative, bar none. It is what they do.
So why are the Socialists up in arms over Trump and others questioning the unrealistic sum of 82,000,000 votes for Hidin’ Joe Biden, which was 13 million MORE than Barack Obama received? And also Pres. Trump received 74 million votes, 5 million more than Obama in that same election. So where did these magical 18 million votes come from? Any intellectually honest person would demand answers with something this far out of the norm.
Also, let us not even worry about the Dominion voting machines we use in the USA, manufactured by Soros cronies, whose program was designed to install Maduro into the Presidency of Venezuela by turning opponents votes into Maduro votes. If you change the name in the program from Maduro to Biden, abracadabra presto! You can win with as many votes as you want! But we won’t even go there. The totally unrealistic number of 82,000,000 says it all.
Let’s go back 4 years and recall the morbidly obese Stacey Abrams? She still currently claims that she is the “legal” governor of the State of Georgia, even though she lost by 54,723 legal votes. This election was held on Nov. 6, 2018, and there were recounts that confirmed she legally lost.
For FOUR YEARS Abrams has continued to lie that she was cheated out of being elected due to rampant voter fraud, voter suppression of blacks, and the disenfranchisement of people color. RACISM! The white mens are holding her and all blacks down and by not allowing them to obtain internet at their homes, not letting them get State ID, Voter ID or a driver’s license. And then they won’t provide them with food, water, chairs, umbrellas, guarantee of fair weather, free crack pipes, and lap dances while waiting in line for 10-15 minutes (once every 4 years) to physically vote in person. Oh, the humanity!!!
CNN, MSNBC, Fox, WaPo, NYT, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, the entire Socialist media cabal owned by the DNC all went to bat for Abrams, calling into question the legal and factual results of an election, and still back her claim to this day. They have zero proof, no evidence, no photos, no video, no paperwork, no emails, no texts, no minutes of meetings, nothing to indicate the Republicans had “oppressed”, “suppressed” or otherwise interfered with the electoral process in the State of Georgia during the 2018 election cycle.
They can’t even find a single black person, NOT ONE, to come forward and say that they were prevented from voting in any way, shape, and/or form. But that doesn’t stop the fake news from lying still to this day. They manufacture the “news”, they report the “news”, they fact check the “news”, and they never, ever back off from their lies and obfuscations. It is what are.
And Abrams continues to call out conservatives as being racist haters for wanting free and fair elections, where each voter must show a photo ID, and their signature must match the signature they signed when they registered to vote. What’s racist and hateful about that? What is unfair about that? White people have to show ID and be registered to vote in advance. Why not blacks?
Oh yes, Al Sharpton, Stacey Abrams, Marc Lamont-Hill, Jesse Jackson, Charles M. Blow, Shaun King (a white dude masquerading as a black dude), DeRay Mckesson, Eugene Robinson, Don Lemon, Nkechi Amare Diallo (formerly Rachel Dolezal, a white woman masquerading as a black woman) are the leading race baiters/white haters in America, and the faces of Black America, even the white ones. This is how disingenuous the Democrat party has become.
Men are women. White is black. Fairness is cheating. Equality is racist.
Which is really the Party Of Questioning Elections? Which party has questioned every major election loss since 1988, and continues to do so? That’s easy. It starts with DEMOCRAT.
The Democrats and the MSM spent years on the false accusation that Hillary Clinton either outright won the election and/or was cheated out of it. No evidence (such as 2000 Mules) was ever offered. No video, nothing. Just empty rhetoric.
The Democrat party charged that George W. Bush stole the election in 2000.
The Democrat party charged that Diebold voting machines were programmed to give Bush the win in 2004.
The Democrat party charged that Trump was a Putin puppet and won because he “was a Putin puppet” in 2016?
The Democrat party charged that white people oppressed, suppressed and cheated Stacey Abrams out of the Georgia governorship in 2018.
Granted, both sides have dishonest people in their party. Hey, they are politicians, which by nature are basically dishonest, liars, thieves, grifters, and not good at much else. Which is exactly why we need term limits on them.
But the Democrats have taken voter fraud to a whole new level of deceit. They believe it’s bad when the Right does it, and it is. They also believe it is the good and decent thing to do when they do it, which is isn’t. But the moral compass of the Left now starts with Marx/Engels and ends with Mao. There is no reasoning with them
Side Note: If you have not seen “2000 Mules” and “My Son Hunter”, you are missing out on two excellent and informational movies.
The Socialists have elevated themselves as the controller of all things, IOW, Socialism is here to stay…
If we allow them to win in November.