CNN just can’t do anything right these days. C’mon man! After the Cuomo scandal, the pedophile scandal,...
Putin is not our friend by any means, and neither are the following US Intelligence agencies. The...
Richard “Rachel” Levine, USA Today’s “Woman of the Year” is a biological man, born Richard Levine. He...
INEPTOCRACY (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the...
Yes, she’s done it again. More idiocy from the mouth of the Vice President of the United...
When you are a world leader, or Secretary of State, or just a well placed American Socialist...
“Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur...
Term limits would fix many of our problems in having a perpetual class of elitist and entitled...
Welcome to March 2022 and to a new reality. A reality of consequences. FACT: Most Americans are...
We all know that Nancy Pelosi is as out of touch with mainstream America as a politician...