Kamala Harris is more than a strong black/Indian/Pacific Islander birthing person. We must qualify the previous sentence....
Those Silly Democrats
For the Left, it’s never “enough”. They keep pushing the envelope and as long it’s not something...
When Kamala entered the political arena, she used her knees and her oral skills to advance her...
Rule # 1: The Wuhan virus didn’t come from China and if you think it did you...
The Left doesn’t have a “Day of Rage”, as they are in a constant state of rage...
We have been assured that women do not exist as a distinct group and that the concept...
We are reprinting this from the BuzzFeed website due to its overt racist overtones and the apparent...
The Socialists in America have a never-ending line of needy, disadvantaged, underserved, minority, underrepresented, illegal, and marginalized...
Colorado has implemented a new law that permits bicyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs and...